Nothing is more joyous than a child being welcomed into the world. Our agent, Beth, recently gave birth to an adorable little boy, Owen Matthew Weaver on February 25, 2017 at 5:43pm. He weighed 7lbs, 11oz. at birth. Two months later, he is keeping Beth busy as he grows and becomes more aware of himself and his surroundings.
Before Owen was born, Beth, like many new moms, was nervous about everything! Aside from normal anxiety about childbirth, she kept having recurring dreams that she was at the hospital ready to take him home and the hospital wouldn’t let Beth and Owen leave because she had forgotten his hospital bag, or clothes, or in another dream, his car seat. Luckily Beth had a lot of help from her family and Owen’s Dad’s family. From pre-made dinners and grocery shopping to hours spent watching Owen so Beth could sleep, family members have stepped in to help in any way they can. The best four hours of sleep Beth has had in her entire life were four hours where her step-mom stayed the night and watched Owen in the morning so she could sleep in!

For other first-time moms out there, Beth advises to “listen when people tell you to ‘sleep when baby sleeps’ no matter how many other things you can think of to do during that time… those things can wait!” Until your baby learns to sleep through the night, you will appreciate any extra sleep you can get so take advantage when you can.
When Owen isn’t sleeping, Beth enjoys seeing her little boy look up and smile at her, hearing him giggle in his sleep, and the sweet, sweet cuddles! That has been her favorite part of motherhood so far. Looking ahead, Beth is most excited to watch him grow and see his little personality develop. She also can’t wait to hear his first word and the first time he says “Momma”. At two months old, Owen has such a bright future ahead of him.
We cannot wait to watch Owen grow up into a successful young man. While our team at Cliff Cottam Insurance Services misses Beth’s presence in the office, we are happy that she is spending time with her son and anticipate her return with much excitement. Just a reminder to expecting mothers and new moms, be sure to update your insurance agent about your little bundle of joy. You might need to make changes to current policies or consider purchasing a life insurance policy to secure your little one’s future. Give our office a call at 916-488-4426 for a free insurance review today. For more baby Owen updates, follow us on Facebook.